
Privacy Policy

Reece, Inc. a Delaware corporation, d/b/a Reece and/or any present or future parent, subsidiary, affiliate or business unit of Reece, Inc. (collectively, “Reece”) owns and operates a website with a home page located at (including linked/connected websites, collectively, the "Site"). We value the privacy of individuals who visit the Site (the "User(s)", or "you"). This Website Privacy Policy (this "Privacy Policy") has been created to inform Users of the types of individual and technical information that is or may be collected on the Site and the privacy policies and practices that Reece follows with respect to the use and dissemination of such information.

1. Effective Date. 

This Privacy Policy is effective as of September 24, 2021 and may be updated and modified from time to time by us in our sole discretion. If we choose to update or modify this Privacy Policy, such updated or modified policy shall become effective after its posting to the Site. Accordingly, we encourage you to periodically review this Privacy Policy and the Site in order to keep apprised of our current privacy practices. If you do not agree to any provision of this Privacy Policy, or any update or modification of it, please do not use the Site.

2. What information do we collect?

a. Personal Information: Our goal is to help you understand what Personal Information (as defined below) is collected and how such information will be used before you decide whether to disclose it. Personally identifiable information ("Personal Information") means individually identifiable information about a User, including without limitation the User's full name, company name, title, user name and password, e mail address, telephone number and street address. Personal Information does not include information in a form that is aggregated with other information so as not to be reasonably identifiable as the User, and information in a form that otherwise is detached, combined, organized, segmented, modified or processed so as not to be reasonably capable of being associated with the User ("Nonpersonal Information"). As a result, Nonpersonal Information is not restricted by thisPrivacy Policy as to use, sharing or otherwise.

b. Information That You Provide. Information collected from you will vary, depending on how you use the Site, how the Site is configured and what information you may choose to provide to us (whether via mail, telephone, e mail or otherwise). It may be possible to browse various sections of the Site without submitting any Personal Information. In addition, for security reasons there may be features on our Site that require you to confirm your Personal Information or provide additional Personal Information. You may choose not to provide us with Personal Information, but as a consequence you may not be able to use the Site, or take advantage of certain features of our Site, and we may not be able to provide you with certain requested information, products and/or services.

c. Automatic Collection: Like many websites on the Internet, we automatically track certain information (either directly or through third party services, such as Google Analytics) about you as you visit and use the Site in order to help us (1) better understand, improve and modify the Site, (2) better understand how the Site is used and experienced and (3) better understand how we can enhance your experience or others overall experience on one or more of the Site, and (4) ensure that a User is using the Site in accordance with the Terms ofUse. This tracked or automatically gathered information may include, among other things, your computer's Internet Protocol (IP) address, the URLs and Site pages that you have visited, sections of or content on Site pages on which you click or in which you are interested, the number of times you visit each Site page, what downloads and/or search queries you have made, how long you spent on particular sections of each Site and on eachSite generally, how much content has been accessed and/or copies, and your type of web browser. This automatically gathered data includes information provided through the use of"cookies", which are described in more detail below.

d.Information from Cookies: We may send small files or other similar strings of information to your Workstation (collectively "Cookies") and store such Cookies on your Workstation so that we can recognize it as a unique machine the next time you visit the Site. Cookies may also be used to perform statistical and administrative tasks including measuring site and page traffic, and positioning images on the web. You acknowledge that certain Cookies maybe integral to enabling you to access our Site, or essential to the performance of our Site, and recognize that our Site may have limited functionality, or no functionality at all, if you decline to accept Cookies. Therefore, you agree to accept these Cookies in connection with using our Site. Should you change your mind and decide that you are not comfortable with Cookies being stored on your Workstation, please call 817-870-2227 immediately.

3. How is information about me used and shared?

a.Personal Information. Except as provided in this Policy, we do not willfully disclosePersonal Information about our users to anyone outside of our corporate family without first receiving the User's permission. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your PersonalInformation to unaffiliated parties, and will not share your Personal Information with affiliates if prohibited by applicable law or regulation.

b. Support. Notwithstanding the above, we may engage or use other companies and individuals (1) to perform supporting functions for the various tools, functionality, information, products and services offered through our Site, (2) to perform or support various tasks or initiatives instrumental to the business of, or related to operating or improving, the Site, or (3) to assist us in testing, maintaining or improving the features, content or effectiveness of the Site or in performing research or development. These service providers may be permitted to receive from us and use Nonpersonal Information, as well as Personal Information provided by you or collected from you, but such service providers will not be permitted to use Personal Information for any purpose other than in connection with performing the limited support functions for the website.

c. Administrative Use and Required Disclosure. We reserve the right to use PersonalInformation to send you emails, letters or other messages relating to the products, services, promotions and discounts offered by Reece and other emails and notifications about major changes to our Site (although we are not obligated to notify you regarding such Site changes). We may also release Personal Information or other information that we collect from you if we believe that such action is reasonably necessary to (1) comply with legal process, (2) enforce the Terms of Use for the Site, (3) identify, contact or bring legal action against persons or entities who are or we believe have caused or might cause injury to us ora third party, (4) defend or respond to claims brought or threatened against Reece, its employees, directors, suppliers, service providers, Site users or others, or (5) otherwise protect or assert the rights, property, interests or personal safety of Reece, its employees, directors, suppliers, service providers, Site users or others. Any such release decisions maybe made by us in our sole discretion.

d. Asset transfers: We continue to develop our business and in doing so might choose to acquire other businesses or sell our business or certain assets of our business. ThePersonal Information and other information that we collect from you in connection with your use of the Site is considered one component of our business assets and would likely be transferred/included in such transactions. We will, however, not sell your Personal Information to companies whose goal is to market services and products, and in such event we will use commercially reasonable efforts to protect your Personal Information.

e. Nonpersonal Information. Nonpersonal Information may be shared with third parties, including listing providers, advertisers, service providers and others, so that we may better understand how the Site is used, to enhance the overall experience on the Site and otherwise in connection with our operation of the Site and conducting our business.

f. Children's Privacy: In compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, 15U.S.C. §§ 6501 – 6506 and 16 C.F.R. §§ 312.1 – 312.12, does not permit children under 13years of age to become Subscribers of the Site. Reece does not collect information from children. By using the Site, Subscriber represents that Subscriber is not under 13 years of age and will not permit such a person from accessing the Site. You agree to contact Reece immediately that if you have knowledge that a child under the age of 13 has used the Site or submitted Personal Information to us, via our Site or otherwise.

4. How can I access and change my Personal Information? 

You may change the Personal Information you have submitted by calling 817-870-2227. By contacting Reece to make such changes, you expressly authorize Reece to access your Personal Information and any associated data or accounts for the purpose of completing your requested edits, modifications and/or deletions. If you would like to receive a copy of the Personal Information we have about you as submitted to us via the Site, please send a request via U.S. Mail using the contact information set forth below. You may also ask us to remove your name and other Personal Information from our database, in which case we will make reasonable efforts to do so, subject to legal and other considerations. You understand that any changes you may make, or ask us to make, regarding your Personal Information, may adversely affect or otherwise change the availability, deliverability or quality of the Site for you, and prevent you from accessing the information, features, products or services in which you are interested or your overall experience on or relating to the Site. As set forth in the Terms of Use, Reece reserves the right to terminate any User for any reason, including as a result of User's desire for Reece to alter or remove Personal Information.

5. How do we protect your information? 

Whenever Personal Information is stored on our computers, that information is protected from unauthorized access or use by way of passwords or other industry-acknowledged means. We will use commercially reasonable efforts only to electronically transmit or ask for Personal Information over secure Internet connections using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption, an accepted standard for online security, but cannot guarantee that all such information will be encrypted in such fashion. Since we take our responsibility to secure Personal Information seriously, you agree to assist us in this effort by limiting the disclosure of Personal Information to only what information is asked, watching your web browser to monitor whether the connection is encrypted prior to submitting such information, informing us immediately if you suspect that Personal Information (whether yours or that of another) is accidentally being disclosed, and alerting us if you believe that Personal Information is being used in a manner that is contrary to this Privacy Policy, the Terms of Use or otherwise in any improper manner. You hereby acknowledge that no data transmission over the Internet nor any storage of information on servers or other media is guaranteed or entirely secure, and agree that even though Reece will takes steps to safeguard Personal Information, Reece will not be responsible for the disclosure of Personal Information if Reece has taken reasonable steps to safeguard this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We cannot promise, guarantee or warrant the complete security of Personal Information.

6. Opt-out of Google Analytics. 

Our Site enables Google Analytics, which collects and analyzes certain information described in Section 2.c. above. In order to provide Users with more choice on how their data is collected by Google Analytics, we want you inform you of the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on. The add-on communicates with the GoogleAnalytics JavaScript to indicate that information about your visit to the Site should not be sent to Google Analytics. To opt-out, download or install the add-on for your current web browser. The Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on is available for Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Opera.

7. Contacting Us. 

Reece welcomes User's feedback. Users who have any questions or comments concerning the Privacy Policy or their experiences with the Site should contact Reece at:

Privacy Administrator

Reece, Inc.
15850 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75248

8. Terms of Use. 

Please also visit our Terms and Conditions section establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our Site.

9. Your Consent. 

By using the Site, User consents to this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use. Reece reserves the right to modify, alter or update this Privacy Policy at any time. Reece will post any revised Privacy Policy on the Site to apprise Users of what information Reece collects, how it may be used, and under what circumstances it is disclosed. Any modifications, alterations, or updates of the Privacy Policy will be effective upon posting, and User's continued use of the Site will constitute User's consent to any revised Privacy Policy.